15 April 2020 Wednesday. 17:17:23 UTC
I am aware, xxxxxxxx, is your pass word.
I need your full attention for the the next 24 hrs, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your lifetime.
Hello there, you do not know me personally. But I know all the things about you. Your personal facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts along with all the virtual activity in your computer from previous 116 days.
And this includes, your masturbation video, which brings me to the primary reason why I 'm composing this specific e-mail to you. I own the whole recording. If perhaps you think I 'm fooling around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 5 people you're friends with.
I want to make you a 1 time, no negotiable offer.
Purchase USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the down below address:
You've 1 day to do so. Your time starts as soon you read this e mail.